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Branch Training: Deeper Mindfulness – The Feeling Tone Programme: Exploring Mindfulness Frame by Frame

September 16, 2025 @ 1:00 pm - October 21, 2025 @ 3:00 pm BST


If you’re a trained mindfulness teacher, our Deeper Mindfulness branch training provides you with a route to develop your teaching and offer the 8-week ‘Deeper Mindfulness: Exploring Feeling Tone Frame-by-Frame’ course to your participants.

Developed by Professor Mark Williams and colleagues, the Deeper Mindfulness course is designed for those who’ve already completed a mindfulness-based programme, such as MBSR or MBCT, and would like to explore mindfulness more deeply.

This 6-session teacher training offers you new insights into ‘Feeling Tone’ which Buddhist traditions see as a fundamental element of every moment of experience and a foundational aspect of mindfulness and its practice.

Through experiencing the key practices and teaching others in small groups with feedback from fellow teachers on the course, you’ll learn to deliver the 6-week deeper Mindfulness programme to your participants.

On completion, you’ll receive ‘Certificate of Attendance’ from Oxford Mindfulness.


September 16, 2025 @ 1:00 pm BST
October 21, 2025 @ 3:00 pm BST
Event Category:


United Kingdom


Event Mindfulness Approach
Mindfulness for life (MBCT-L), Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
Specific Audience
You can apply for this training if you have: Completed a mindfulness teacher training pathway of at least 12 months for other 8 week courses (MBCT, MBSR, MBCT-L, etc), which meets the Good Practice Guidelines for training pathways, led by a trainer in-person or live online, and not self-guided*. Been assessed as safe to teach under supervision by your training provider and / or be registered as a mindfulness teacher on e.g. BAMBA or another equivalent directory. Completed an 8-week Deeper Mindfulness course as a participant, led by a teacher in-person or live online. An established and regular personal mindfulness practice, ideally for at least a year. Please see the Good Practice Guidelines for Teaching Mindfulness-Based Courses. Knowledge and experience of the adult population and context where you would like to teach. This might include workplace, education, criminal justice, physical or mental healthcare, or general population settings.
Assisting/Additional Teachers
Liz Lord, Andy Phee
Mode of attendance