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Shahin Najak, M.Ed is a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Coach, Author, and speaker. She has a Master's in Education in curriculum development and is the founder of her business, Mindful Changes. She works with adults who want to live mindfully, intentionally, and with joy. Her passion lies in supporting those who want to build better relationships with themselves, their families, and their colleagues. Her passion lies in supporting adults and children, particularly parents and teenagers, in re-forging and enhancing relationships and incorporating Mindfulness strategies as a pathway to creating and crafting a life of calm, self-esteem and self-acceptance.
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Mindfulness Meditation Teacher & Mentor
MMTCP teacher training; MMTCP Mindfulness Meditation Mentor, MBSR teacher training; Compassionate Inquiry Coaching
10 years
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Mindful Self Compassion (MSC), Breathworks

MMTCP - Mindfulness Teacher Training & Mentoring - Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach
Teacher of Presence - Eckhart Tolle
Foundations of Well-Being - Dr. Rick Hansen
Compassionate Inquiry coaching - Dr. Gabor Mate
MBSR training with Susan Woods - University of Toronto -
Mindfulness Ambassador Program- Univerity of Toronto
Mindful Life Parenting Program - Dr. Kirsten Race
Mindful Kids Teacher program- Dr. Kirsten Race

Jack Kornfield
Tara Brach
Dr. Gabor Mate
Dr. Rick Hansen
Carla Brennan
Kirsten Race
Susan Woods

Parenting, Stress, Grief, Mindful Aging


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