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Maja Moritz
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Associate Teacher
I am originally from Germany and now live in Christchurch, New Zealand since 2004. My background is in a long career of over 25 years in professional international sports photography. During that time I was training photographers as well and first noticed back then in the nineties that we need to look beyond the factual information for successful training. That prompted me to attend the NLP courses. Since then I have been on my own mindfulness journey until finally developing a holistic approach with the trainings as a teacher & coach integrating Yoga, Meditation, and other health, wellbeing & energy healing modalities. I have been practising Yoga & Meditation myself for over 25 years. I am very passionate about SAT CHIT ANANDA, the Sanskrit Mantra that describes in these 3 words what life is all about: Existence, Consciousness, Bliss. In other words: Being mindful & consciously aware of your existence (or being, or truth) is (or leads to) bliss.
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New Zealand
German, English
Yoga & Meditation Teacher
Chopra Certified Meditation Teacher, Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher E-RYT200 & YACEP, HCI Certified Health Coach, Certified in Ayurvedic Marma Technique, NLP Master Practitioner
8 years

Life Coaching with Ed Lester, New Zealand Life Coaching, Christchurch, New Zealand in 2014 (5 Days)

Yoga Pranala with Linda Mandani at Intuitive Flow, Bali, Indonesia in July/August 2016 (200 Hours)

Health Coach Institue, USA, Online Course from October 2018 to May 2019

Meditation Teacher Training, Chopra Center, USA, Online Course from November 2020 to October 2021 (with a break of about 3 months between the two parts)

Ayurvedic Marma Technique, Ayurvedic Institute & AyurPrana, USA, Online Course February to July 2022 (3 Modules)

NLP with Thies Stahl, Hamburg, Germany, 1991 (2 Courses, NLP Practitioner & NLP Master Practitioner, Certificate got lost during my immigration process to NZ)

Deepak Chopra, Roger Gabriel, Stacey Morgenstern, Dr Vasant Lad

Yoga Alliance, Health Coach Alliance

Meditation, Yoga, Wellbeing, Self-Realization

Associate Teacher

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