LIVE Online Workshop! Clear the Path & Flow into 2025: How to Leverage the Subconscious Mind to Break Free of Limits and Live Your Vision NOW
December 16, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm UTC-8
An event every week that begins at 12:00 pm on Monday, repeating until December 30, 2024
CLEAR the path of anxiety, fear, self-sabotage, and limiting beliefs that hold you back from the joy that is always present for you.
Entering into a new year, you may be feeling a mix of emotions… excitement, sadness, regret, longing, joy, inspiration, anxiety…
Looking to a fresh start offers a sense of relief, but can also stir self doubt and fear. Walking into a new chapter is stepping into an unknown… a sort of abyss, a blank canvas staring you right back…
How to even begin?
Absolutely, by starting… but that’s when some of us slam the brakes, halted by fear, perfectionism, imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs, etc. because taking steps into the life we desire seems painfully far away or monstrously big to even allow ourselves to imagine it. We know the path we want, but feel stuck moving beyond the overgrown weeds of our limiting stories to fully own and embody it.
Join Certified Hypnotherapist, Alicia Joy CHt, in this 90 minute workshop to clarify the real reason you’re stalled out, harness deep awareness and connection with the subconscious mind, and reprogram the beliefs and energy that holds you back so you can feel light, energized, and inspired in the last few months of 2024.
What to expect:
Connection, Meditation, Guided Hypnosis Experience
Brief Teaching about the Subconscious Mind & Hypnosis
Journaling, Sharing
Integration; opportunities for support in carrying over the magic of the workshop into your day to day life.
You’ll walk away with:
A deeper, more compassionate understanding about what is holding back the flow in your life.
Tools for how to harness a sustainable loving relationship with yourself to illuminate your direction.
An inspired, ignited vision of your goals and intentions.
Feeling more positive and relaxed, empowered to fulfill your dreams.
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