Mindful Eating and Living (MB-EAT) Online Professional Training
January 11, 2025 @ 10:00 am - April 11, 2025 @ 12:00 pm UTC+7
An event every week that begins at 10:00 am on Friday and Saturday, repeating until January 24, 2025
Adjusted by Country. Early Bird and Partial Scholarships Available . Please Inquire.

Mindful Eating Training Institute’s Fall 3 month online Mindful Eating and Living (MB-EAT) Professional Training begins October 25, 2024. 48 CEU’s/CPE’s are available. Flex and Live options. Become a certified Mindful Eating Instructor and Practitioner. Join our comprehensive mindfulness and mindful eating deep dive immersion training. Come check us out! This mindfulness-based evidence-based online training embraces a non-diet, weight inclusive approach to health and well-being for disordered eating, binge eating and helpful for any clinical practice (includes a detailed curriculum, tools and practices based on NIH researched approaches and collective clinical experience) for individual or group interventions and practices. Visit https://www.mindfuleatingtraining.com or contact us directly at andrea@mindfuleatingtraining.com for program and registration details. Our Well Nourished Coach Training, our integrative, holistic whole person coaching approach, is a complementary training program which can be taken concurrently or following the program, . As founder and director of METI (the Mindful Eating Training Institute), I would love to welcome you to our wonderful unique programs, offered 10 years online now, 13 years in person! Complimentary consults are also available to leran more about our training programs or personal mindful eating coaching. You can request an appointment on our website. #mindfuleating #professionaltraining #bingeeating #self-compassion #mindfulnesstraining #mindfulness
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