Masterclass:Trauma-informed and effective mindfulness teaching

Online: Zoom , United Kingdom

This workshop draws on clinical research and lived experience to work with trauma in mindfulness-based work. What is covered? This training will enable you to identify signs of trauma in […]


Deepening Inquiry in the Mindfulness-based Group

On-line , United Kingdom

Inquiry is often viewed as the most challenging aspect of a mindfulness teacher’s practice. Many of us come with transferable skills that help us bring warm relational qualities to inquiry […]


Teach Introducing Mindfulness

On-line , United Kingdom

This 1-day workshop is for you if you’re a fully trained mindfulness teacher who’s completed a 12-month, structured face-to-face or live online training programme and would like to train to […]


Branch Training: MBCT to Mindfulness for Life (MBCT-L)

On-line , United Kingdom

Mindfulness for Life (also known as MBCT-L) is a development of MBCT for the general population. Its structure is similar to the original MBCT for depression, with 8 weekly sessions, […]

Masterclass: Buddhist foundations of mindfulness with Christina Feldman

Online: Zoom , United Kingdom

Even though many of us deliver entirely secular mindfulness programmes, many of the ideas in contemporary mindfulness-based programmes make more sense when we understand their origins and intentions. Co-author of […]


Specialist Training: Group Skills

About the training: This two-day workshop is for mindfulness-based teachers who wish to learn more about groups and how to support the rich potential of the group process in a […]


Supervision Training: Level 2

This course will be taught experientially as we engage together in a process of mindful exploration and inquiry to deepen our practice as supervisors. This 2-day course builds upon the […]


Branch Training: MBCT for Cancer Teacher Training

On-line , United Kingdom

This specialist training is for mindfulness teachers currently working or interested in working with people with cancer or with a life-threatening illness. It takes place over 5 days with nearly […]


MBSR Teacher Training Intensive Online

Centre for Mindfulness Studies

Train to facilitate MBSR programs. This is the second module of our MBSR Facilitation Certificate Program. This 6-day training intensive will provide participants with the opportunity to study and experience […]

MBSR Practicum Online

Centre for Mindfulness Studies

The MBSR Practicum will immerse those interested in teaching the 8-week MBSR program as participants, facilitators and observers. Trainees will take on a variety of roles including teaching, providing and […]