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Katherine Crum, Ph.D., has more than 25 years’ experience with meditation and contemplative prayer. She is a student of Zen student and a practicing Episcopalian, and she has studied yoga in the Iyengar tradition for more than 20 years. She took her first MBSR course in 1994 and has completed four UMass Medical School Center for Mindfulness professional training programs: MBSR in Mind-Body Medicine, the Practicum, Teacher Development Intensive, and Supervision. She is a Qualified Teacher of MBSR (UMass) and a Certified Teacher (Brown University)

As an art historian and museum professional most of her working life, Katie has a special interest in creativity and the joy that art and music bring to life. From years of experience leading organizations, she is excited about the potential of mindfulness to help non-profits flourish. The practice can bring resilience and calm to the people non-profits serve, and to their employees and volunteers.

Katie teaches MBSR in the “Tri-Corner” region: eastern Dutchess and Columbia Counties, New York / Northwest Connecticut (Litchfield Hills) / Southern Berkshires.
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Millerton, NY
United States
Mindfulness Teacher
Ph.D. is from Columbia University in Art History; Certified Teacher, Brown University Mindfulness Center
MBSR teacher training path, Center for Mindfulness, UMass Medical School (Qualified Teacher) then Teacher Certification from Brown MIndfulness Center
8 years
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Florence Meleo-Meyer; Bob Stahl, Carolyn West, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Saki Santorelli, Pamela Erdmann

Mindfulness Meditation New York Teachers' Collaborative

Stress, Anxiety, Time and Work Management


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