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Shalini Bahl-Milne
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I am a Mindfulness Consultant, Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher, and an award-winning researcher. Using a cross-disciplinary approach and mindfulness-based thinking, I work with organizational, academic, and municipal clients to address systemic challenges and develop essential skills to thrive in a fast-changing world.

You would benefit from my services if you or your team members are dealing with issues like burnout, disengagement, dissatisfaction, discord, high turnover, and resistance to change. My services include skill-building for empathy, resilience, stress-reduction, mindful communication, creative problem solving, and other emotional intelligence skills. In addition to building individuals’ capacity to adapt and grow, I also work with management to assess root causes of challenges at work and design systems and process-level solutions.

I received my certification to teach mindfulness at the Center for Mindfulness, UMass Medical School and the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute that originated. Having lived and worked in three countries—India, Kuwait, and the USA—I am comfortable working with diverse audiences including CEOs and executives at Fortune 500 companies, college campuses, and students. As an Affiliated Expert at the Isenberg School of Management, UMass, Amherst, I have opportunities to design and teach leadership programs on campus. As a Town Councilor in Amherst, I get to practice and integrate what I teach in my community.

I am a keynote speaker, have two TEDx talks, and my research has been published in premier marketing and public policy journals, and won the ‘Best Research Paper’ Award from The American Marketing Association in 2019. You can find my guided meditations and programs with over 250,000 plays on the Insight Timer and Simple Habit app.
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Amherst, Hampshire
United States
Mindfulness Consultant and Facilitator
PhD, Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher, Search Inside Yourself Certified Teacher
15 years
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Search Inside Yourself (SIY)

Certified MBSR Teacher - Center for Mindfulness, UMass Medical School, Worcester Massachusetts, Several Years of training
Search Inside Yourself Certified Teacher - One-year training

MBSR - Florence Meyer, Dr. Saki Santorelli, Dr. Jon Kabat Zinn
Search Inside Yourself - Meg Levie, Marc Lesser, Mark Coleman, Mirabai Bush


Online Training, Change Management, Stress

