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Tara Nylese
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Associate Teacher
Tara Nylese founded the Ten Minute Mindfulness Program as a short and simple method to improve mental and emotional well-being in personal and professional lives. As a career-long scientist in large corporations, a lecturer, and a trainer, Tara takes a scientific approach to home and workplace wellness with leadership and employee empowerment training.

She is the Best-Selling Author of Mindfulness in Everyday Life, which reached #1 Best-Selling New Release in Amazon's Business Health and Stress category, plus best seller in Work-Life Balance and Emotional Mental Health and Stress-Management.

Tara spent many years as a global senior manager, during which time she’s been a speaker and guest workshop facilitator at many universities worldwide, including Harvard, Princeton, and MIT. She holds an MSc in Chemistry with a leadership concentration.

She is also a dedicated member and practitioner at the internationally recognized Kadampa Meditation Centers. Throughout her career, she’s visited many of the great spiritual centers of the world and had the great fortune to attend a lecture from the Dali Lama. She is certified as a Meditation Instructor by the American Institute of Healthcare Professionals. She is also certified in Applied Positive Psychology from UPenn, MBSR certified, Search Inside Yourself, and is a Personality Insights DISC/Human Behavioral specialist.
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Pearl River
United States
Certified Meditation Instructor through American Institute of Healthcare Professionals, Certified in Applied Positive Psychology at UPenn, MBSR certified through Palouse Mindfulness, Search Inside Yourself, Certified Human Behavior Consultant from Personality Insights, Inc., Founder and Creator of Ten Minute Mindfulness, Best-Selling Author of Mindfulness in Everyday Life, Member of Kadampa Meditation Centers
5 years
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Search Inside Yourself (SIY)

My meditation instructor certification was a detailed six part course which covered many different aspects of meditation instruction. This course took about 9 months for me to complete through the American Institute of Healthcare Professionals. It takes a scientific and clinical approach to meditation instruction. A significant portion studied Jon Kabat-Zinn's book Full Catastrophe Living which was life changing and continues to be a central theme in my teachings. We also focused on Dr. Herbert Benson's Relaxation Response method which resonated well with my scientific viewpoint.

Palouse Mindfulness - Dave Potter

Applied Positive Psychology - Seligman, Duckworth, Pawelski


Mindfulness at Work, Ten Minute Mindfulness, Mental and Emotional Wellness

Associate Teacher

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